Hello Dr. Tom,
I have a 5 year old Stallion that we have been treating since May 27th. He was diagnosed with EPM. Towards the end of the treatment our farrier decided to remove his shoes which he had been shod with all his life. Within in two weeks he came up lame on his left foot in front of the frog. We took X-rays and he was 1-3 rotation in one, and 3-5 in the other. We soaked and soaked and soaked. He busted out pretty bad at the back of the hoof and bulb area. He also is draining out on the sole and in front of the frog where I first located sensitive hoof. He then became very lame up on his toes, back feet under him. A classic looking case of Laminitis. We ordered a pair of special shoes from Dr. Redden. He is now sound in his front feet. But, the abcesses are still draining (a month) they won't seem to stop. He has been on Tucoprim for a week with no results. I'm not sure what to do next. I'm scared we have come this far and will lose him do to infection. Please Help!
Thanks, Chris
Hi Chris,
This sounds remarkably similar to a case I am dealing with right now. The horse was in Dr. Redden's special shoes as well, and after less than two months is now in such a severe state of founder that she is losing her hoof capsules. It is truly maddening, and so sad that such misguided therapy abounds out there in the world. These horses should never have to deal with this kind of damage. I would recommend you get him into a pair of boots with pads immediately. That veterinarians and farriers STILL want to shoe these kinds of cases is truly ignorant, as there is a mountain of evidence out there indicating that only further damage results. I wouldn't expect the abcesses to be able to heal with the hooves shod, for many reasons. Antibiotics are generally not helpful with hoof abcesses due to poor circulation. Local disinfection and cleaning work much better. The boots I'm talking about are the Easyboot Epics with comfort pads inserted by EasyCare, Inc. Click here to view these products and many others. The boots with pads inside are VERY comfortable and allow honest healing from lots of different hoof problems. They are elastic and movable, just like a hoof is elastic and always moving. Shoes totally disrupt normal hoof form and function. I am pretty busy with some cases right now, but if you'd like to do an in-depth consultation, (and you're willing to utilize a natural hoof care approach), we could do that. Please send pictures and a complete history, etc. I can give you my impression and recommendations and follow up with you over a week's time. If other things come up later on, which they usually do, I can continue to consult with you the same way as long as is needed. Meanwhile, there's a ton of stuff on various websites that will come up if you do some simple computer searches.
Take care...check out those boots,
Dr. Tom T.