Dr. T,
You see, on September 2006 I bought a 5 year old Paso fino mare. She was never shod before and I think it needs corrective hoof trimming. When I see my son ride her I've noticed in the front legs she's toe out (even when standing) and in the hind legs when the hooves come down they're hitting the ground toe first and through the inside of the hoof (I've seen scratch marks
on each of them as if they're rubbing). Another thing is that on her right hind hoof (when looking at the horse face to face) it doesn't have much heel, so when the Farrier nails the shoe there's an open area and the heel is on the "air". My son rides her two or three times a week on pavement (yes, we're allowed here) and it wears the shoe on that hoof in about two weeks.
The other hind hoof is not far behind as far as wearing. Just to give you an example, she was shod at the beginning of February on a Saturday, we rode her that day, next Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When she came in from the ride on that Friday everything was fine and since we live in hot weather we
usually hose her off starting from the legs up to cool her before taking her to the stall. When we finished hosing her off she starting limping from both her front hooves in a real bad way. We administer anti-inflammatory shots for a couple of days, pulled the shoes off her front hooves, and waited a month. After that she was shod again and everything was fine again until this last Monday when my son was riding her and they were coming in into the barn. She started to limp from one of the front left hooves. I've asked different farriers and each one will give me his own idea of what they think the problem is. And lastly, I can't find corrective hoof trimming farriers in my area and would like to learn to do it myself if possible .
Sorry for the long e-mail I just wanted to describe my mare's situation the best I could because I need someone knowledgeable to give me a direction.
You see, on September 2006 I bought a 5 year old Paso fino mare. She was never shod before and I think it needs corrective hoof trimming. When I see my son ride her I've noticed in the front legs she's toe out (even when standing) and in the hind legs when the hooves come down they're hitting the ground toe first and through the inside of the hoof (I've seen scratch marks
on each of them as if they're rubbing). Another thing is that on her right hind hoof (when looking at the horse face to face) it doesn't have much heel, so when the Farrier nails the shoe there's an open area and the heel is on the "air". My son rides her two or three times a week on pavement (yes, we're allowed here) and it wears the shoe on that hoof in about two weeks.
The other hind hoof is not far behind as far as wearing. Just to give you an example, she was shod at the beginning of February on a Saturday, we rode her that day, next Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When she came in from the ride on that Friday everything was fine and since we live in hot weather we
usually hose her off starting from the legs up to cool her before taking her to the stall. When we finished hosing her off she starting limping from both her front hooves in a real bad way. We administer anti-inflammatory shots for a couple of days, pulled the shoes off her front hooves, and waited a month. After that she was shod again and everything was fine again until this last Monday when my son was riding her and they were coming in into the barn. She started to limp from one of the front left hooves. I've asked different farriers and each one will give me his own idea of what they think the problem is. And lastly, I can't find corrective hoof trimming farriers in my area and would like to learn to do it myself if possible .
Sorry for the long e-mail I just wanted to describe my mare's situation the best I could because I need someone knowledgeable to give me a direction.
Hi R,
a quick search on the computer for "barefoot horse trimming" and you'll get a
lot of information. You'll need to find someone in your area to help guide you
if possible. Also it would be good for you to get a pair of hoof boots for
those front hooves. After you read some more stuff, get back with me with more
questions if you need to.