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« Need To Use Boots? | Main | Quarter Horse Lame on Left Front Hoof »



I have a five year old quarter horse gelding who has had a heck of a time with his hooves. He has mainly been in shoes since he was a three year old..the past year or less I have kept him with front shoes only. Last spring something happen to him in the field and his nose swelled shut, high fever etc. About a month after that I saw a pink/red ring showing up on his white hooves. Which I have since learned is called "fever ring", which can sometimes leave a horse permanently damaged. The ring grew out of his hooves, but, his front hooves seem to still break easily and he is very very tender-footed. I recently took his shoes off to try and do the bare foot/natural foot with him..but he can hardly walk unless its pure soft grass to walk on. Then I purchased him some of the easy boots (epic)I believe. Well that helped emensley. The thing is...can I let him wear them constantly? I had the vet look at him today and he is telling me I need to put shoes back on his front feet because his hoof wall is so thin and because he is walking on the soles of his feet. I don't want him in shoes because it seems everytime we put shoes on him it makes his feet break more. Any advice? I have buted him..and that helps..but I would prefer not to have to keep him medicated. I am lost at how to help him, and just wrenches my heart seeing him in pain like that.

Thank you

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