Dr. Tom:
am an animal control officer in Oregon, and I am trying to determine what
treatment is required (i.e. what treatment best provides for the health and
well-being of the animal) for a horse which has foundered. In this case the horse foundered about a year
ago. The hooves have not been trimmed and they are now about a foot long
and curving up. My horse owner says that
the inflammation is now gone and that it won’t really do the horse any good
to trim these hooves, that it is only to keep concerned do-gooders happy. This doesn’t seem to make sense to me. Wouldn’t the horse be more pain free
and have fewer future problems with bones, etc., if something corrective is
done? Thanks for any help.
Hi RW,
Sounds like you've run across some genuine ignorance there in Oregon, with
whomever thinks it will do no good to trim those deformed hooves. How intriguing. Absolutely, the horse will be so much happier
and healthier with some simple, common sense hoof care.
Anyhow, I would encourage you to get a hold of Cheryl Henderson of ABC Hoof Care in Oregon. You're on the right track, and getting Cheryl or someone closer to you to get
you going in the right direction will get your horse going great.
Take care,
Dr. TT