Hi T2 and hope this finds you warm and well.
I am struggling with an older TWH mare who was in shoes and harshly ridden
for most of her life.
I began trimming her in May, 2007. She was ouchy walking on anything so we
put her in boots and she was quite happy. Worked her way out of boots in a month
or so. Was tested positive for Lymes but not treated.
I worked with the owner who now trims her 2 horses and pony and does a nice
This mare got ouchy again so we suspected lamintis and took her off grass
(turnout on grass was a few hours daily). Got the sugar out of her diet, soaked
the hay, booted as needed. Added in a probiotic to counter act the bute regimen
as discussed next.
The Vet, suspecting lamintis, had her on isoxsuprine (which was
discontinued after I talked to owner) and bute which she weaned off. Any
suggestions on managing the pain? Does bute have a role?
In November the owner called me very concerned as mare had runny manure and
was losing all tone from topline. She has definitely aged in appearance in the
last year.
I did some research and suspected cushings. Mare tested negative for
Cushings, but her muscle enzyme levels were moderately off from normal.
Vet has no idea what's going on.
And to add to our misery, the herd is refusing to eat the hay purchased
last fall so everyone is losing weight. (separate question... have any idea what's
going on with the hay? She didn't report any mold but obviously something is
going on.)
Any help is so appreciated!
As always thanks so very much.
Hi Dawn,
suspicions are that this mare's age (ie- MILEAGE) are catching up with her. I
would still try some jiaogulan herb and cinnamon and chaste tree berry for the
Cushing's and possible insulin resistance. She'll be a tough case from the
sounds of it. Lots of issues! Get rid of the isoxsuprine- absolutely
worthless. Occasional bute may get you over some "humps", but not good in the
long run. Increase exercise, put her to the test. You've got nothing to lose. Glad to
hear you're doing well with the trimming and other adventures!
How was the mare tested for Cushings?According to the Yahoo Cushings group guidelines or via a Dex Supression test? The later may not always be accurate.
The untreated Lyme disease may also be a contributing factor in the mare's health and changes in feed can sometimes cause runny stools as well.
Posted by: Ute Miethe | July 05, 2008 at 08:45 AM