Hi Dr. Teskey,
I have a twelve year old quarter
horse 16.2hh. I bought this horse when he was
seven months old. A month after I bought him he fractured his coffin bone in
his right front foot. After about a year of stall rest I began hand walking
him. He recovered fully.
My Vet at the time suggested because
he had suffered from a fractured coffin bone to keep shoes on his front
Well I’ve done that his whole life.
I really, really want to go barefoot BUT I’m afraid he will fracture his coffin
bone again. We all know at 12yrs of age he wouldn’t recover like he did when he
was only eight months old. I’m “afraid” to take the shoes
I don’t know where to find a good
bare foot farrier that can help me? What do you think?
I ride only for pleasure- mostly
weekend about two hours per day. His paddock is flat and free from rocks. He
is kept outside 24/7 with excellent shelter free choice hay and water. He’s on
a mineral supplement with beat pulp. He is in excellent health.
It is getting harder to keep the
shoes on. I want to do what’s best for my horse.