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I have used the Old Mac Gen II both with and without the pastern wraps. When using the wraps, the securing strap was turned back on itself just barely the 3" recomended in the instructions. The boot barely overlaped in the back but I could pull them to the 2nd hole if I worked at it. (tried both 1st and 2nd hole, same result) With them inplace on about an 8 mile (?) ride, the bulbs got chaffed and bruised (I walked 4 miles that day :)). So I tried without the wraps and now have just the bruising. I'm just learning about hooves but I do think he has low heels. Maybe I could send you a picture, I'd really like to be able to use the boots. (Any boot.)I don't ride 25 miles at a time yet because we are not that conditioned but I am aiming for endurance training and riding. Help me get there ---- pleeeese. .

It sounds like you have better luck not using the pastern wraps, that they cause a tighter fit. You may want to try using vet wrap around the pastern/bulb area instead. With what you are telling me, that you are aiming for endurance training, I would recommend using the Easyboot Epics or Bares. I think the lower profile boots would work better for you.

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