Would you like a FREE hoof pick? Read on to find out how you can have one of your very own, EasyCare Hoof Pick's. This new hoof pick is a $7.95 value!
Our new hoof pick has the EasyCare logo on it, is made of strong steel, is magnetic and is a beautiful EasyCare blue in color. It can be used for cleaning hooves and also working with the cable/buckle fastening system on many styles of our line of horse boots.
We are looking for our product users out there who would like to share their testimonial or story about using our products and how EasyCare's horse products have made the difference for you and/or your horse. You must include a photo that we can use on our website. Photos are required.
So, get your horse booted up, take your photo shots and send us your story and we will send you your FREE hoof pick. Make sure to include an address for shipping via mail service. Happy Riding!