Here's a great article everyone should take time to read, it's about creating all-terrain barefeet . The article has so much valuable information on how we turn a soft mostly deformed and dysfunctional foot into a rock-hard fully functional foot. Achieving barefoot performance is simple but there is more to it than just pulling off the shoes and jumping on and taking off for a ride! First you heal the damage, by returning the feet to the correct parameters and keeping them within a functional framework. Condition the feet, keep those hooves clean and trimming cannot be stressed enough. Small trims are suggested every two weeks or so in order to keep the hoof fully functional at all times. The terrain a horse lives on is the key to conditioning. If possible, a horse's living quarters should resemble the surfaces that you wish to ride on. Killing infections, diet and hoof maintenance all play important roles in creating healthy feet. The article also states, the use of hoof boots when used in conjunction with concussion pads , provides immediate comfort and therefore confidence so that the horse returns to correct heel first landing. EasyCare agrees!