Here at EasyCare we always keep our eyes open for interesting articles on barefoot horses, barefoot trimming, and the benefits of keeping your horse barefoot. After reading the article "Daring To Go Barefoot" at the website, it is apparent to us that the barefoot movement is spreading worldwide at a fast pace.
In this article from 2004, author Kathy Carter suggests that once you determine you are ready to go barefoot, there are various specialist trims to consider. These include: The Strasser Method, The High Performance Trim (HPT) and the Jamie Jackson method.
The article suggests that published, scientific data on "going barefoot" is scarce, which is why anecdotal evidence, whether it be positive or negative, is our main source of reference when it comes to removing our horse's shoes.
This article mentions how putting a non-cushioning plate between the horse and the ground removes most of the foot's natural shock-absorbing properties, causing concussion. Which is why it is important to use EasyCare comfort pads with your EasyCare hoofboots especially during any transition period from shod to barefoot.
To read the entire article click here.