In June of this year, after many discouraging months of dealing with shoes ripping off my horse's feet, deteriorating hoof wall, unhealthy frogs, etc., I decided to pull my horse's shoes and make the barefoot transition. I was a bit skeptical at first, but began to research everything I could get my hands on, including horse boots. During this whole process, my horse also contracted Lyme disease. So it was difficult to determine whether his foot sensitivity was due to that, or being barefoot. I let his damaged feet heal for a few months, then contacted my local barefoot trimmer (Dawn Willoughby) and together we have been working on bringing Squire back to good health. We fitted him with a pair of Easyboot Epics and I began to ride him. It took a few months of lots of walking and trotting, but now (as you see in the photo), he is doing marvelously! We're now going on 3 hour trail rides on all types of terrain, as well as cross country jumping. He willingly gives me his foot to receive his boots, as though he's telling me how good they make him feel. Riding with the boots, I feel totally secure (they stay on and have good traction) and we go through many creeks on the trails. THANK YOU EASYCARE!!!!
Martha Masiello