Throughout their history of domestication, horses have been maintained and ridden barefoot successfully. In the United States, only in the past couple of decades, after studies were done of the feet of free-roaming horses in the Western states and theories tested, has the idea of barefoot horses been the subject of much discussion. Tim Ware, author of "Maintaining a Natural Horse", brings to light a complete program for keeping a natural horse, barefoot and rideable. In this book, all aspects of horse care are covered: diet, exercise, living arrangements, trimming and shoeing, choosing the right horse, and emotional wellness.
There is much discussion on respecting nature and the natural processes that take place. Some of which man tries to change because of the emotions at the moment and then realizes that he/she may have gone against nature and interrupted situations that nature would have taken care of her way. Nature can be harsh at times, but it seems to operate with the perspective of what's best for the long run.
He discusses how important the terrain that a horse lives on is to the overall condition of their hooves. Most of our barefoot studies have been publicized from expeditions in the Western US. He tells of his studies of the Shackleford Island wild horses, living off the coast of North Carolina, and how the wet conditions have demanded a much different looking hoof on the barefoot residents inhabiting the island. They were believed to be the descendants of horses that survived a Spanish ship wreck around 1520. How the hooves adapt and have certain qualities unlike the Western wild horses, is very interesting. He summarizes his ideas of why the hooves have developed like they are and how that has helped the horse survive such wet conditions.
He also discusses the need for hoof boots when riding on terrain that is different than what the horse has been raised in. Boots are also needed in the transition period from shoes to barefoot. He mentions his boots of choice and one is the EasyCare Boa boot. It is really stressed at the importance of providing your riding partner the comfort of boots if needed. EasyCare has a wide selection of hoof boots for barefoot horses. These include Easyboots, Easyboot Epic, Easyboot Bare, Easyboot Grip, Boa boot, Old Macs and Easy Soaker boots.
The importance of a proper natural diet and lots of exercise is highly stressed. There is description of living conditions that can be accomplished to facilitate lots of movement, even if your space is somewhat limited in size.
The emotional well being of the domesticated horse is often forgotten. Even though man does not think of the horse as having a need such as that, they require it and will be a better partner for it.
One of the chapters is describing the barefoot trim. The how-to's and the why's give a bit of information to even the owner so that they can be aware of what to look for. Trimming as close to the natural state as possible is the most beneficial.
This is a great source for a quick read on some basics of keeping your horse in a natural barefoot life style. Click here to read more about these publications and to see what else the author has to offer.
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