This important article on snake bites was recently posted on the Horse Health web page. It is that time of the year so horse owners beware, and above all seek the advice of your veterinarian immediately if your horse is bitten. EasyCare also suggests you carry vetwrap, gauze, syringes, and anti- inflammatory medication prescribed by your vet in your packs for easy access.
When on excursions frequented by pit vipers (also called crotalids,
including rattlesnakes), it is prudent to consider some basic
precepts concerning bites. Approximately 20-60% of bites are "dry" or
defensive type of bites with little or no venom injected by the snake.
These are bites that do not swell much within 10 to 15 minutes of being
bitten and are not overly painful. It is difficult to ascertain whether
a bite is dry, so assume envenomation (injection of venom) and proceed
to obtain veterinary care. Rapid swelling and pain suggest venom
injection. Venom has a Super Glue-like consistency and is absorbed
rapidly from the bite site within 30 seconds to several minutes. Cutting
an incision on the bite and suction is not recommended; icing of the
bite is not a good idea, nor is a tourniquet.
Most bites occur on the muzzle in curious horses, and application of a
dry absorbent wrap is not possible. Things to consider bringing on such
excursions would be:
* Wrap material (dry sheet cottons);
* Vetrap, two rolls;
* Two 12-inch sections of three-quarter-inch or one-inch diagonal
* Garden hose or taped 35-cc syringe casings with the ends bored out
to insert into nostrils of horses with rapidly increasing muzzle
swelling from a facial strike; and
* Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (prescription from your
If a horse is bitten, time is of the essence and prompt evacuation for
veterinary care is recommended even though death is rare in adult
horses. Complications days or weeks later are often responsible for
adult horse deaths from rattlesnake bites. Asphyxiation from massive
throat swelling might necessitate a tracheotomy in rare cases. A
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory can minimize swelling and pain. Walking,
not running, is recommended to avoid elevation of blood pressure and
venom absorption.
Leg and torso bites are especially troublesome, and the bitten limb can
be promptly wrapped to compress tissue and minimize swelling and
absorption of toxin into general circulation. Antibiotics (likely
injectable) should be considered once veterinary care is secured due to
the "dirty" nature of snake fangs and infection potential. Maintain a
current tetanus vaccination.
In summary, minimize swelling and venom absorption, maintain nostril
airflow, and seek veterinary assistance immediately. These steps should
allow most horses to recover without antivenin (antitoxin active against
venom) administration. Do not incise, ice, or apply a tourniquet to
snake bites.