The testimonials for Epics are endless. Melanie sent in a picture of her and Bo with only good things to say about our boots.
Bold Again (Bo) is 13 and a 1/2 Arab 1/2 Standard bred. I got him last winter from a local horse rescue group ( He had been turned in as a bucker by his former owner who had tried to do dressage with him. After doing lots of ground work with him I started trail riding him last summer. I could tell that he was a lot happier out on the trail than he was in the arena. He still gets tense when we do arena work. Color Country was his first endurance ride. We did the LD and he did really well. He can get racy when he's out front so we rode with Janet Tipton and her mustang Ladybug and took it slow.
This was also his first ride of any kind with all four boots (we'd previously ridden in fronts only) and that went really well too.
The Epic with the new improved gaiter and stronger cables has proven to be one of the favorite among boot users, with many miles of comfortable riding to write home about!
Cheers from EasyCare!