Created by a Utah horseman named Greg Kersten, equine-assisted learning is a relatively new therapeutic process. Equine-guided Education, also known as equine-assisted learning and equine-assisted professional development, is a relatively new field of experiential learning for corporate, professional and personal development.
Businesses are always looking for ways to have their employees improve their teamwork, creativity and especially communication skills. The use of horses serve as metaphors for personal obstacles and challenges.
Depending on what company is providing the education, each exercise is aimed at using teamwork to solve problems. Also individuals attend these to help solve their own personal problems. Why are they using horses? They say horses are good at reflecting human behavior. It is like looking at a huge mirror. When the horse responds, the individual is really looking at their own emotions. The things that go on in the arena parallels life itself.
According to the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association in the last six years, the practice has become increasingly popular and is spreading throughout the world. This organization provides education standards, innovation and support to professionals who offer the therapy. In the last year, more than a thousand people have become members of the association.
Does your own horse reflect you and mirror your actions? Take a step back and see if your problems handled today may have been handled differently before you became a horse owner.