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Robin McGee

You post a link, to a link. I started on the page that told of the new research involving Pete Ramey and reversing laminitis, clicked on the riders rasp link, but that onlyled me to here, which only has yet another link.

Will the next one actually take me to some information about the Riders Rasp? Rather annoying, this link to a link (to another link?) business...

Thanks for the opportunity to vent.

Robin McGee


If you click on the link www.ridersrasp.com it will take you to their site and you can click on videos, testimonials, etc that RidersRasp has available to you. The hoof boot link will take you to our website and the information on choosing a boot and barefoot information. You can just google ridersrasp and see what that brings up for you also. Please contact us direct if we can assist you in any way...800-447-8836
Happy Riding,

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