Don't Lose Your Trails..........
The American Horse Council is working to preserve the Federal Highway Administration's Recreational Trails program. If Congress does not take action this year, this program could no longer be available to riders. The AHC urges recreational riders to contact their members of Congress to voice support for this program TODAY!
The RTP provides funding directly to the States for recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both non-motorized and motorized recreational trail uses. It was created in 1991 and is about to expire.
Since its' inception, the RTP has provided approximately $677 million for thousands of State and local trail projects across the country, including many that benefit equestrians. RTP projects consist of construction, maintenance and restoration of trails and trail related facilities as well as the acquisition of easements or property for trails. Although each State manages its' own program, 30% of RTP funds must be spent on non-motorized projects like equestrian trails, 30% on motorized, and 40% on multi-use projects.
"The RTP is one of the few sources for Federal funding of trail projects that are not on Federal land. The program is a great resource for equestrians to fund projects in their State and local parks," said AHC Legislative Director Ben Pendergrass.