Thank You Carol, from EasyCare, for sharing this information with us!
Arizona Quarter Horse Association Proudly presents RIDE ARIZONA Oct 16, 17 & 18 2009
a three-day trail adventure into history and fun. Be a guest of the Sorrells Family and the Arizona Quarter Horse Association as you go back in time on a ranch that was created under the “Homestead Act” in the early 1900’s. With roots in the cattle and goat business, at one time supporting over 4000 goats.
Riders can arrive on Friday morning to pick out campsites and then gather around the campfire Friday evening to share potluck dinner and good music. Saturday’s events will include breakfast, followed by a trail ride and then lunch. In the afternoon, everyone is invited to attend the Ben Balow Horsemanship clinic, to be held at the corrals at the ranch. Saturday evening will host several well-known cowboy poets and singers, while we all sit around the campfire for dinner. Sunday will start with a pancake breakfast to be followed by a short trail ride and lunch. All riders are included in a drawing for fantastic “horsy” prizes, join Arizona Quarter Horse Association and be eligible for a Special Drawing” for new members only. Also included will be sponsor booths, driving demonstrations, product information, and a first aid clinic for your trail horse. Bring your own chairs and plenty of water. There will be a veterinarian and farrier present at ranch. Don’t miss this exclusive event and the opportunity to ride on a ranch that is closed to the public.
Cost of three-day week $125 per person; includes 5 meals, Ben Balow Horsemanship Clinic and many many extras.
To insure that all riders/participants have a great time, the following rules shall apply
· No stallions
· No dogs on trail - all dogs MUST remain on leash at campsite
· No Firearms
· No smoking on trail
It is strongly suggested that all horses be shod and conditioned.
A complete list of suggestions and rules will be sent when application is received along with directions to the Sorrells Ranch off highway 89 north of Peeples Valley
Application deadline October 11, 2009
Number of people attending ____ $125 per person
Total enclosed________________________ Please fill out application form for each person attending
Make Checks Payable to AzQHA (Arizona Quarter Horse Association)
Send application to:
Carol Belmore
P.O. Box 217
Skull Valley, AZ 86338
Carol Belmore 928 442 3843 e-mail: [email protected]
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