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January 03, 2008


Dawn Willoughby

Hope it is sturdy. So many sore horses gallop away from the gate once in padded boots...at least that's been my experience with the current selection.

One owner tried the Soft Ride but with your pads, the mare was off and running. The boot disintegrated and I ordered a G2 for her.

Thank you so much. Boy is this needed!

Carola Adolf NEP, fSHP

This looks like a long needed addition to the range.
Riding boots are not always accommodating therapeutic pads for a chosen boot to fit without compromising a reasonable fit, as the hoof is lifted.
Consequent heel rubs can prolong recovery as horses will hesitate to move due to additional pain.
As one of the practitioners in Australia who deals mostly with severe pathologies "in the real world" (outside a clinic environment), I am very much looking forward to an affordable therapeutic remedy boot to be given to my clients as part of the treatment (rather than experimenting with boots that are aimed for performance and mixing these with inappropriate inlays and pads etc.)

Kind regards,
C. Adolf

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