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December 24, 2008


Pete Ramey

I've been testing the Easyboot Glove and Glue-on for about six months (so far). I'm thoroughly convinced they are going to revolutionize 'horse shoeing' forever. They are not only the best hoof boot ever made- they are the best horse shoe.
Pete Ramey

Garrett Ford

Pete- Thanks for the kind words. Yes, with your help the Glove and Glue-On boots are coming along.

Pete and Ivy have had alot to do with the new boot designs. They spent a day with me in Tucson brainstorming the perfect boot many, many months ago. The Easyboot Glove and Easyboot Glue-On is the result of the conversations.

I hope the new boots will get you out of the house and back to teaching. The horse world needs you to hit the road and do what you do best!

What the horse world has yet to see is the version of the Glove and Glue-On with a built in domed sole. We still have some cool stuff holding in the "secret area".

Thanks Pete.

Jenny Moncur

A domed sole!!
An inbuilt pad.....hmmmmm.
Good idea Garrett. I am liking the sound of this more and more.


Garrett Ford

Jenny- We have some cool stuff in the hopper. If people like the new concepts just wait!

One of my college football coaches would say "you are either getting better or worse, you never stay the same" I've taken the same approach to hoof boots. We need to keep making improvements, keep spending money on new molds, keep spending money on patents, etc. Not everything is going to work but you never really know until you get a design on many horses.

Can't wait to share the new stuff but need to get the current line launched first.

Garrett Ford

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