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January 12, 2009


Judith N. Hadley

I am so "geeked" about the comments and insights from Pete Ramey on the Glove and Glue On! I didn't think you could improve much on the Epic, but here you go again! I am excited about getting either the "Glove" or the "Edge" as soon as they come off of backorder! I have converted many of my friends who either thought their horses could never go barefoot and if they did, how they would protect their hooves in rough terrain. Many have watched me apply and remove my beloved "Epics" with ease and are now believers! Can't wait to try the new models. Thank you on behalf of me and my "boys".

Judith Hadley
Gaits of Heaven Farm, L.L.C.
North Carolina

P.S. I am entered in the National Walking Horse Association's "Iron Buns" National Trail Riding Competition this year for most hours in the saddle per horse and per rider - all barefoot or in Easy Care boots! Wish me luck!

Garrett Ford

Judith- Thanks for the comments.

The boots should all come off back order sometime next week. When our shipment comes in we will be able to fill just about all order but it will be tight. Next order will be 3-4 weeks out. If you don't have an order in do so now as it will ship next week.

Kick some butt in the "Iron Buns" competition! Show them what barefoot booted horses can do.

Garrett Ford

michael wood

Can you leave the glove or RX on for more than a 24 hr period without taking off for a horse with sore feet?

Jayne Whtiile

Dear Mr Ramey:
We really need your help. Last year because of your great understanding of the horses foot, myhorse Hank survived a founder...two people in our area had gone to a cliic you put on in Nova Scotia.
My friend has a horse whose farrier is against natural barefoot...the horses soles seem to be coming/dropping down further than the foot/hoof...causing him pain higher up in his leg almost upper leg.
I have one of your barefoot students doing all of mine, yet I feel he has never run across this before...can you help with some advice...Plain Old Lyle would greatly appreciate it, as would we.
Jayne Whittle
[email protected]

Janet Cooper

I don't have a comment but I've got a question. My horse is suffering from severe laminitis and I feel he's not getting trimmed properly. I'm in Oklahoma and I need some help so I don't loose my guy. Can you help? JC

Jane Antcliff

Dear Pete and Ivy
Even though I live in England you cannot imagine how much you have helped me taking my horse barefoot. I only got her a year ago and she has been shod all her life (she is 16 years) and has had past laminitis problems, hoof rings plus thrush and seedy toe. My area is teeming with shod horses and I got lots of criticism when I pulled off her shoes but I just kept reading your book and this kept me focused on what I was doing. She has been barefoot since January now and her hoofs are absolutely fantastic and I can see the coffin bone rising daily. I have found a wonderful barefoot trimmer who comes once a month and I started using Easy Boot glove back in April when I started taking her on more rugged rides and they have been fantastic, infact more horses in my area are starting to go barefoot and many people are starting to ask me questions about taking their horses barefoot, the mustang roll and where I get my boots from. So thank you so much because Pendal is a much happier horse now and it has been such a fantastic learning curve for the both of us.

Kristin Praly

I am about to go to Arizona for a clinic. I was warned that barefoot horses tend to get their feet cut up. How lucky we are to have the option of the easy boot and glue on shoes! For these options I am most sincerely grateful.

Kristin Praly
Horse Sense Education and Advocacy

kathy luedtke

I am curious about this glove for horses in transition. My horses are a little over a yr barefoot using the glove without comfort pads. I recently had one horse have an absess, which I am sure was caused by an outing in which I rode without boots, not anticipating or being prepared for rough conditions. I only boot up when the horse indicates the need. Otherwise, I go bare. Is it fair of me to transition this way? I have heard that the comfort pads are critical during this phase, however the comfort pads are not recommended with the glove. Any advise?

Bernd Jung

Dear Pete and Ivy,

Ten months later I still can confirm everything you posted here about the Glove.

Thank you for developing those great boots (Glove and Glue-On) together with Garrett !

If it was a cellphone, people certainly called it 3G hoof boot but it is from my point of view "only" the best boot ever build.

We had great success here in Germany with the Glue-On after Vets with great reputation told horse owners they couldn't help their horses anymore...we could proof the opposite by using the Glue-On already after 5 weeks !

These boots are not just simple hoof boots for riding - they're a great tool in the right hands as well.

Bernd, from Germany

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