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March 16, 2009



Can you put up a photo of the boot (part of the cuff system) that you used at the two rides so we can see how the screw hole in the boot moved position?

Jenny Moncur

Very exciting, Garrett!
I have a clients horse who is an ideal candidate for this system on his hind feet where he still loses boots. I am trying to convince his owner not to shoe him as I just KNOW the cuff will solve our issues.
Did you pack the soles just for the distance ride or while training as well?


Hi Garrett

I have a couple of cuff questions. Firstly you are in a very dry area, how long do you think the cuff's are likely to stay on in an area of high rainfall?
And are the cuff's likely to be re-suable or would you need to replace them after each trim?
They look like a great alternative to glueing, especially for horses that rub in gaiters.

Rebecca Wyatt

Wow, I would LOVE to try these out. Are the cuffs reusable? Any ideas on price yet? I can think of 4-5 clients that would definitely be interested, as well as horses that are "sensitive" to gaiters.

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