EasyCare had a nice visit with Mike and Chrisann Ware from Australia. Mike and Chrisann are very involved with the horse industry in Australia and distribute a great deal of hoof boots to the barefoot industry. Mike and Chrisann founded and run EasyCare DownUnder and Equethy. They are a huge asset to the horse industry and go back to the early days of endurance and natural hoof care.
We also had a nice visit from Blaine and Lynn St. Peter. Blaine and Lynn live in northern Colorado. Blaine is one of the regions best hoof care professionals and is working with EasyCare on some new testing.
With Mike, Chrisann, Blaine and Lynn in town we all took the opportunity to install some Easyboot Glue-On shells and the new Easyboot Glue-On with Cuff. It's one thing to see a video but much better to be involved in the process. Mike and Chrisann will take the knowledge back to Australia and Blaine and Lynn will distribute the knowledge in Colorado.
Pictured below. Chrisann Ware, Mike Ware, Blaine St. Peter, Lynn St. Peter and Garrett Ford
The Easyboot Glue-On Cuff in place and ready to accept a shell.
Easyboot Glue-On Cuff with shell, ready for screws.
Easyboot Glue-On Cuff with Shell and screws installed.
It was a fun day. Blaine, Mike, Chrisann and Lynn all had some great suggestions and ideas. Full speed ahead on the "Cuff" design.