I continue to get questions about the Power Strap and how it improves fit and performance of the Easyboot Glove. The Power Strap does several things to the Glove.
1. It helps the upper portion of the Glove shell fit tighter around the hoof. This tighter fit helps keep dirt and debris out of the boot.
2. The Power Strap helps improve fit on feet with flair or imbalances.
3. The Power Strap helps keep the Glove snug and centered when used in extreme conditions.
To illustrate how it improves performance I've attached a couple photos of a horse fitted with Easyboot Gloves using the Power Strap and a couple without the Power Strap.
Photo of Easyboot Glove without the Power Strap. This horse has hard to fit feet. Notice the gap at the side. The Glove would work on this horse but would pick up debris.
Photo of the Easyboot Glove on the same horse with the Power Strap. The gaps are now gone and the boot fits much more snug. Look at how much better the fit is.
OK, so the Power Strap stays on forever once it's installed? Seems like this kinds "x"s out the ease of putting them on now that you can't just stretch it over the hoof on front???
Posted by: Shelby Friml | April 22, 2009 at 07:17 AM
Shelby- The Power Strap has a great deal of elasticity to it. They make the boot slightly harder to apply but it's really a very small difference. The boot with power strap still flexes and gives to match the shape of the hoof.
Garrett Ford
Posted by: Garrett Ford | April 22, 2009 at 08:57 AM
I currently have a fit kit in a couple of sizes,have fitted one horse, who wore epics 1 up front, and 0 behind. Glad I got the fit kit, because in gloves he is 1.5 up front and 1 behind. My question is, do they really stay on? I loved how easy it was to put on the fit kit, hoping it is as easy with the gator....we go through alot of mud, running water, lakes, rocks, everything nasty. I am constantly having to stop and snap the latch on my epics, I'd like to switch..
Posted by: chris barch | April 23, 2009 at 08:18 PM
My Easyboot gloves fit great on my mare except for the front wall. She was able to slip out of one with the velcro still attached to her carpus. My guess is that she stepped on it with opposite foot and pulled out. The easy strap seems like the perfect solution. My concern is putting holes on the wrong place on the boots. The straps are nicely marked where to cut and punch holes. How do I know exactly where to punch the holes on the boots? Do I overlay and draw? I hate to ruin the boot. DR A
Posted by: Dr Deborah Aparicio | April 26, 2009 at 10:17 AM
Deborah- Yes the boots have dimples to show you exact hole placement at the front of the shell. If you look close you can see the dimples. The dimples match the recessed area on the inside. If you can't see them on the outside (because of wear)look on the inside.
Hope that helps.
Garrett Ford
Posted by: Garrett Ford | April 27, 2009 at 10:49 AM