« Easyboot Glue-Ons with Gorilla Glue and Athletic Tape Update | Main | Easyboot Glue-Ons with Gorilla Glue and Athletic Tape Take #2 »

May 19, 2009


Lucy Chaplin Trumbull

Garrett? Are you using plain Gorilla Glue or the "2 x Faster Formula, Dries White"?

Roo and I did our first 50 in boots at the weekend - lots of climbing and lots of mucky, creek crossings at the bottom of each climb.

The boots didn't do badly considering the conditions, but next time, athletic tape and glue.

Dana Johnsen

Hi Kevin
Glad to see you going down the barefoot trail!
How do you like riding in Arizona compared to Maple Ridge? I'll be watching to see how you guys make out with the boots.


D'Arcy L. Demianoff-Thompson

Looking forward to Transition Tuesday column additions. Thank you for the opportunity to study this transition with you.


Garrett Ford

Lucy- I'm using the regular Gorilla Glue not the 2 X Faster stuff. It is setting up fairly quick.


Dawn Carrie

I'm finding this very interesting...keep the column coming, Kevin. One of my geldings is between sizes for E-boots - wide, round foot. I'm interested in the idea of going barefoot and using Gloves. Question about the glue - is it hard to clean out of the boots? I remember the horrors of the old Easy Boot Foam...uggh!

Dawn Carrie, Texas

Sandy Bolinger

Will you explain in a little more detail how you are applying the athletic tape. Is that the tape that looks like ACE wrap but is sticky??

Kevin Myers


I will let you know how easy it is to get the glue off after this weekend! Watch this space.


Kevin Myers


We miss the mountains and the summers and the waterfalls, for sure. After five years down here, I am beginning to like rain again!

Nice to hear from you!


Kevin Myers


The tape is just as you describe it. The brand I am using is Mueller. Wrapping it three times around the hoof seems to do the job, obviously staying away from the coronet band. It also seems to be dependent on a tight boot fit, and the tighter the boot the more likely the boot is to stay on. I think we may all have a tendency to go for larger boots than we should at first. I'm going down a half size this weekend compared to last weekend's training ride.

Garrett Ford

Sandy- The tape is like the ace wrap but sticky on the one side. All you do is wrap the hoof wall twice with the tape. Sticky side toward the hoof. Apply the hoof boot and away you go. The heat in the hoof helps the sticky part of the tape migrate through the tape and it then gets sticky on the tape side.

Hope that helps.


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