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May 14, 2009



Looks tops hey. Has Christoph or any of the other riders tried competing in the glue-on shell with the tape (and no glue)? Or is that asking to much of the boot?

Garrett Ford

Dunc- I don't think it would work for a 50 mile event. Short training ride, OK. I have an idea that might make it work. I'll report back soon.


kathy luedtke

I'm a rookie and am just making the bare transition. I am trying the glove with the tape...have you used the plain m-tape or the Spatting Tapeā„¢ which is elastic?
Also, is anyone using a comfort pad with the glove?
Thanks for sharing.
Happy Trails from Montana

Garrett Ford

I've used the plain M tape with success. I have not used the spatting tape but it may work well.

I would not recommend the comfort pads inside the Gloves. I'm working on a new pad that will work well in the Glove.

Hope that helps.


kathy luedtke

Thanks so much Garrett. Your staff has been so helpful answering all my questions. I'm going to give the spatting tape a try, once I get my new Gloves. It has some elasticity. I just finished with my fit kit and have decided on a size. I'll let you know how I do.
I'll take your recommendation and wait for the new dome to come out.
Happy Trails from Montana

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