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May 29, 2009


Chris Martin

Thanks Garrett, Lindsay rode a impeccable ride in the 75 FEI. I wish it was the 100 because it would of been a easy COC for MONK. The 75's and the 100's ran together all day long. This was just a "finish ride" so no racing yet, but she got 2nd and high vet score. Our boots preformed great and we will NEVER race without them, or train for that matter. MONK got his boots on the week before the ride and will keep them on for another two, so I will get a pre race conditioning ride, the race, and then up two more depending on recovery. I will then pull them off and either put them back on after a trim or put the gaitors on them and use them in training. Thanks for a great product.

Still looking for a few more testers for the "Goober Glue" limited $10 + shipping!!

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