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May 12, 2009


Jenny Moncur

Thanks for posting that Garrett. Nadine is thrilled to have her pic on your website. Unfortunately we did not complete the State Champs. Nadine withdrew Promise on course at 100 km as she had a very sore back. Finding the perfect saddle is now a lot harder than finding the perfect boot!
Our other 160 km horse, Tonki Dee Boo Franky ridden by Nikita Verspaandonk, came second and looked fantastic in his four gloves.

Susan Gill

It was bad luck for Nadine Jenny, but yes Nikky and Franky still looked awesome at the end of the long ride. Well done!!
Danny and I completed our first 100-miler too, riding with Nikky and Nadine for some of the way, riding by ourselves for a lot of it and earning the "turtle" title for last in the gate :) Most of the ride was completed in Gloves. They did a fantastic job despite looking worn out with big toe holes before we even started. The life of the boots beyond what looks reasonable always suprises me!
So now, Tom Quilty here we come, where we are also planning to pass the Turtle title on to someone else :)

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