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June 02, 2009


Deborah C. Nicholas

What is athletic tape? Where do you get it?

Kevin Myers

Hi Deborah,

You can pick it up at most pharmacies. I'm using the Mueller Black 1 1/2 inch tape. You can see the product here: http://www.firstaidkitsource.com/product_info.php/p/athletic-trainers-tape-mueller-m-tape-black-1-1/products_id/1166

Best of luck!



Very interesting blog - thanks Kevin. I've just taken the shoes off my advanced endurance horse - two days and counting. My Easyboot Gloves were delivered today so will be testing them out tomorrow for the first time. Great tip about the athletic tape, will definitely try that one. Got my first post metal shoes competitive ride in two weeks time so will hopefully iron out any problems before then but it's great to see someone has transitioned to boots successfully and so quickly. Looking forward to reading further updates.

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