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June 16, 2009


Dawn Carrie

Good job Kevin and Far! Sounds like the Glue-ons were a solid "10." Does it look like you'll be able to clean them out and use them again, or are they going to be "single use" as the Easy Care website suggests?


Kevin Myers


I think these boots will be done. If I were planning to do use them again, I would have tried the glue with tape instead.

I could have done more days with them if I had left them on.


Susan Gill

Hi Kevin, your rides sound awesome - make the ones I do in Australia feel very tame indeed!
I bet you can't wait to pull the shoes off Red asap :) I enjoy reading Transition Tuesdays - Susan.

Kevin Myers


I pulled Red's shoes today. He has a case of white line disease, so there is some separation of the hoof wall. I'm pleased he's barefoot now - looking forward to seeing the changes in his feet and gait!

Keep in touch!


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