Here is a photo of my monster pony, PF Fast Eddy, in his Easyboot Glue-ons up front and Gloves with the prototype gaiters behind, at the Almosta Bennett Hills Ride in the Owyhee Mountains. I glued on the front boots the Sunday before the ride as Eddy had been taking some tentative steps the week before due to all the wet weather we've had here. I took him out for a short ride the Wednesday before the ride to make sure he was feeling good, and he was! He felt the best he's felt all spring and was ready to rock n' roll at the ride. Steph Teeter graciously organized this ride in less than a week as the original Bennett Hills ride in Gooding, Idaho, had been cancelled.
We went along the base of Toy Mountain for the first loop, and then up and down Toy Mountain (6000 feet) as an out and back loop, finishing the ride after fifteen miles through the desert. This ride, particularly the mountain out and back, had rock, rock and more rock. Along with huge climbs, several water crossings and some deep cow bogs, it was a great test for the boots. The boots performed flawlessly. Eddy moved out beautifully all day and never took a bad step. I did have an issue with one of my hind Gloves FLYING off when Eddy decided I was taking too long at a gate about a mile from the vet check. I got off to get the gate and after shutting it behind us, he jerked the reins out of my hand and launched himself down the road- think Quarter Horse breaking from the gate in a 1/4 mile sprint. One of my Gloves came off at the take-off, and quite honestly I was surprised the other one didn't. I jogged into the vet check where I was told my horse came long trotting down the road and went straight to the water tank. Grrrr. He vetted through just fine and went on to finish the ride in 6th place.
After vetting in and un-tacking, I pulled the glue-ons off very easily and was extremely happy to see the sole was not soft of thrushy at all. There was absolutely no rubbing on his pasterns, and I really think those new gaiters will make the Gloves virtually rub-free. Once again Garrett, THANK YOU for taking care of us and making me feel confident in booting again.
Amanda Washington
wow, your friend looks very healthy and strongly built
Posted by: randi | July 04, 2009 at 07:02 AM