What do hoof boots and feet look like after a tough 100 mile event like Tevis? Well, they actually look very good and from the looks could do many more 100 mile events.
Here are several photos of four boots that went through the 100 miles of Tevis.
All four boots look great. Lots of tread remaining. With all the rocks at Tevis I'm actually surprised they look this good.
Inside view into the shells. Most of the Adhere ends up on the hoof if they are applied correctly. The Goober Glue peeled out of the inside. These boots could be applied again with very little work.
When the Easyboot Glue-Ons are applied correctly the majority of the Vettec Adhere will stick to the hoof. You can either leave the glue on the outside of the hoof wall or remove it with a rasp.
Adhere on the hoof wall after removing the Easyboot Glue-On shells.
The hoof after removing the Adhere. The feet look incredible.
The bottom of the feet look awesome. No funk, no smell. These boots and process really protect the foot.
Back feet a couple minutes after removing the hoof boots. No bruising, no abrasion, no issues. I would love to compare booted feet to shod feet after the event.
Front feet after removing the glue-on shells.
EasyCare hoof boots have been used many times to complete Tevis over the years. They have not only completed the event but have been used on the winning horse and the Haggin Cup horse. The Easyboot Glue-Ons have now passed the test and will be another tool riders can use with confidence in the future.