I've been experimenting with Goober Glue and a couple other adhesives that set slower than the Vettec products. The Goober Glue type products are great but because they take longer to set are more difficult for total glue-on application. Most horses have an issue standing still for 30 minutes. One twist or pivot during the set time compromises the bond.
The thing I like about Goober Glue and the longer setting adhesives is the holding power and the softness of the glue. The Goober Glue has the best shock absorption qualities of any glue I've used. These adhesives are also easier to remove from the shell when done making multiple reapplications a non issue.
I had an idea over the weekend that actually worked out very well. I used Goober Glue inside the glue-on shell but used a gaiter to keep the shell in place during the set up period. So essentially I used the Easyboot Glove to start the process and then after a couple hours I removed the screws and gaiter which converted the Easyboot Glove back to the Easyboot Glue-On. The process was quick, easy and no mess. Very easy to do yourself without a helper. Also a non issue on a horse that won't stand still. No need to worry about the shells twisting during the set up period.
The process actually worked better than I expected. Here is what I did.
1. Fold the gaiter back and put Goober Glue inside the shell. I applied the Goober Glue pretty thick on the walls only.
2. Goober Glue inside the shell, gaiter folded out of the way. Hard to see the Goober Glue in the photo.
3. I then applied the adhesive directly to the sole and leveled. See method used at Tevis in previous blog post.
4. Slip on the boots and tighten the gaiters. Let the horse stand or turn the horse out in a small area. The gaiters kept the shells in place and allowed the glue to dry without me stressing about twisting, turning or coming off.
5. Another shot of the boots as the glue dries.
6. Remove the screws that hold the gaiter to the shell. Set the screws and gaiter aside for the next application. It took me a couple minutes to remove the 12 screws on the four boots (3 per boot).
7. The gaiters looked great after I removed them. No glue on them and ready to be used on an Easyboot Glove or to repeat this glue-on process again.
8. Done and ready to ride. The t-nut stays with the shell and is glued in place. I have some big conditioning rides planned this week. I'll let you know how it works.
Of all the glue-on methods I've tried over the years this one is actually the easiest, the process is not messy at all and it can be done with one person at a quick or leisurely pace. The Goober Glue type glues are very nice and actually have a great bond to the hoof. I've been reluctant to really push these types of glues because of the set up time and the potential problems caused by longer set up times. This method may be the answer that I'm looking for.
I'm setting aside these gaiters and will continue to use them for this process. I'm curious to see how many uses I can get out of them but I guess it will be endless. One thing to note: For this type of application a #1 gaiter can be used on a #0, #0.5, #1 and #1.5 shells.
I like the process so much I've actually moved forward with the patent work. Good stuff and another option in the arsenal.
Did you put goober glue in the bottoms after the glue had set up on the shell? Did you mix the goober glue with water, or just use the straight glue? Please let me know how this holds up, I am planning on doing glue on gloves for fall NATRC rides after having great success with them in the spring. Would love to be able to do it myself and skip the $100 the farrier charged to glue them on with adhere. Alanna
Posted by: Alanna Sommer | August 24, 2009 at 08:49 AM
How much goober glue are you putting in the bottom of the shell (ie 1cm, 2cm)? You arent putting any on the walls?
Posted by: Dunc | August 24, 2009 at 09:16 AM
Solution seems simple enough. I was wondering how you would remove T-screws, but noticed they are left in place after removing gaiters.
I cannot locate anyone local that has Goober Glue. Do you have a contact or phone number for manufacturer? I would have thought they had a website, but I have been unable to find. I have some clients that have voiced an interest in an alternative to Adhere but have also been unable to locate Goober Glue.
Thanks for any help.
Posted by: WhiteHorse | August 24, 2009 at 09:52 AM
This is a great idea!
I love the properties of the GG, but was having real problems gluing on boots using it (my horse would twist out of boots before the glue set up and ruin the bond).
Whilst Adhere was quick to set, I was uncomfortable with how hard it set up, esp. when some of it would inevitably get in the bottom of the boot as it was being put on and would set up hard under the sole. I also wondered how much expansion of the hoof Adhere allowed for - it seemed a shame to put on a rubbery boot, then hold the whole shebang rigid with a hard glue.
I'd been toying with the idea of using two beads of glue - GG lower down, so that any glue that got pushed into the sole would be GG and stay rubbery, then Adhere around the top edge, to hold the whole thing in place.
Of course, putting this into practice would be much harder than thinking about it, so I have yet to actually attempt it.
The idea of using the gaiters instead is much simpler.
How long did you wait before removing the gaiters? and how did you avoid getting the gaiters covered with the squooshy extra glue oozing out the back?
Posted by: Lucy Chaplin Trumbull | August 24, 2009 at 10:58 AM
Cool idea. Even with the gaitor on for a less-than-perfectly-shaped hoof in the boot which might otherwise feel a bit loose.
Posted by: Sheri Hensley DVM | August 24, 2009 at 01:14 PM
Where do you get the goober glue at?
Posted by: Jennifer Hanson | August 24, 2009 at 04:35 PM
Alana-- I have used the Goober Glue at NATRC rides this year, and it is AWSOME! I did use it in the bottoms also for sole packing, and my horses legs have NEVER come off a ride so nicely. No edema at all, even after a 3 hour trailer ride home. My husband retired his farrier business years ago, now only does barefoot trims. He felt this application technique will make it very easy for the horse owner to do. He also really likes the Goober Glue for it's flexibility. If you want to see pics of after the ride, I added in a link.
Great idea Garrett!! As always you think OUT of the box.
Posted by: Denise | August 29, 2009 at 04:38 AM
any idea where we can get it? i am in the UK but happy to buy it from international seller?
Posted by: Vicky Clink | September 08, 2009 at 02:54 PM