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August 04, 2009



Youch on the legs...this is why we don't ride in shorts (or at least wear half chaps if we do!) Huge CONGRATS! on the successful finishes! If I can get the KMSH stud conditioned for next year and he is still with me then, I will go for Tevis next year! He hasn't yet done ANY rides, LOL...but we will see...


Gross!! You weren't joking when you said earlier your legs were trashed!!

Jenny Moncur

Great, inspiring story! Pity about the legs :-((
Try 'Fixomul' - a great burns dressing that breathes, moves with you and stays put for a week or so.
Looking forward to catching up with dunc for a beer at the Quilty.


Congratulations! It was great seeing you come into Foresthill. Dude...wear breeches and half chaps in 2010! ~:p] Real men wear tights. Get healed!

Chris Martin

You are one CRAZY man.............

Diana Hiiesalu Bain

Yummy!!! Looks like a disease! And I told someone you wore pants.....it all makes sense to me now!

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