Tevis 2009 was a special experience for me. I have been away from the sport of endurance for many years and forgot about the relationships, friends and endurance family that goes back to early 1980. Everywhere along the trail I saw friends and family from the past. The hugs, handshakes and smiles were incredible and made the 100 miles of difficult trail flow by.
My first Tevis experience was crewing for my father in 1982 and then I had the opportunity to ride as a junior in 1984. In 2001 I got the run bug and did the Western States 100 mile run. I now have 5 of 6 horse finishes and 1 for 1 run finish.
Heading into Robinson Flat with good friend and many time Tevis finisher Godfery Sullivan. Godfrey was a VP at Apple and has helped me a great deal with EasyCare along the way.
My Tevis prep started months ago when I promised Duncan McLaughlin a horse for the event. Duncan was coming from Australia so I knew I needed to get some horses ready as my main goal was to send him home with a buckle. Duncan was to ride my horse GE Cyclone but a chain of events put him on GE Lady and Christoph Schork of GE Cyclone. I was going to crew and then got a call from Kevin Waters. Kevin wanted me to ride his horse Tahoe's Thunder. The complicated horse swapping got more intense when Dave Rabe didn't vet through and Christoph, Kevin and Dave discussed some possibilities. I was going to step down and Dave was going to ride Tahoe. After further discussion Dave wouldn't let me give up my ride so we decided that Dave should ride Zell. Zell is one of Christoph's backups.
The days leading up to Tevis were tougher than the event. I had the opportunity to help many riders install boots and really educate each rider on the new glue-on techniques. This took the majority of my time and the regular tack, crew and feed stuff for my own Tevis event were postponed until the late hours of the night. Duncan and Christoph were there every time I needed help.
Duncan and I install boots before the event.
Christoph and I install more boots.
Kevin, Duncan and I ended up riding together from the start. Our strategy was simple. Take care of the horses the first 60 miles and then start riding. We all did a bunch of miles on foot, spent extra time in the vet checks and sacrificed our bodies instead of our horses.
Duncan taking on some fuel at Robinson. He's a bit dirty!
The middle of the ride was a low point for Kevin, Duncan and I. We all were a bit spent from doing the canyons on foot and each of us was behind on liquid and calories. Although we all looked like crap the horses were looking great and continued to PR right through each check. We continued on our plan and looked at Foresthill as the goal where we would start using the horses.
Kevin coming into Chicken Hawk
Tahoe and I about to depart Foresthill. Mom and Dad helping me get ready.
Foresthill was the turning point for all three of us. We all ate well at the check point and the horses all looked great. As we departed Foresthill in roughly 75th place I knew we were in for a great ride. We trotted down the pavement in silence as the hoof boots absorbed the road. All the horses were perky, forward and comfortable.
When I was kid we had a summer house in Foresthill and I know the California Loop section well. We put Tahoe in the lead and we barreled down the trail in the dark. We started passing riders and more riders. The horses continued to move well and we continued moving up in position until the finish.
All three of us came across the finish line getting pulled by Tahoe. He was freight train from Foresthill in and got us all there safe. We made it to the finish line but we still needed to vet through. The horses all vetted and off we went for the victory lap!
Duncan with his buckle and the mic.
Kevin Waters shaking hands with Julie Suhr.
Mission accomplished. Boots and barefoot horses made a big statement. Kevin is 1 for 1 at Tevis, Duncan is 1 for 1 at Tevis and Tahoe is now 9 for 9 in 100 mile events.
I want to thank my Mom and Dad for getting me into this crazy sport and for all the help along the way. You guys are the bomb. Brian, Gabe and Debbie (EasyCare Team) were amazing. Christoph and Dian and the whole GE gang have been awesome teachers and great friends. Sean and Tennessee Mahoney are now like family. Sean, you are always one step ahead and the best hand I've been around. Duncan McLaughlin was the reason I was here this year and came over and taught us all about feet, massage and horsemanship, Thank you Duncan. Mike and Debbie thanks for the crew help. Godfrey and Suzanne you are always there and the best crew. David, Thank you. And last thank you Kevin and Johanna. Thank you for trusting me with the special horse and thank you for the friendship and support.
2010 will be crazy! Everyone wanting to ride in four EasyCare hoof boots will be offered a paid entry by EasyCare. Start riding in boots now and lets see if we can get to 50+ riders.
PS- My legs may need a year to recover.
Youch on the legs...this is why we don't ride in shorts (or at least wear half chaps if we do!) Huge CONGRATS! on the successful finishes! If I can get the KMSH stud conditioned for next year and he is still with me then, I will go for Tevis next year! He hasn't yet done ANY rides, LOL...but we will see...
Posted by: Natalie | August 04, 2009 at 01:18 PM
Gross!! You weren't joking when you said earlier your legs were trashed!!
Posted by: Amanda | August 04, 2009 at 01:59 PM
Great, inspiring story! Pity about the legs :-((
Try 'Fixomul' - a great burns dressing that breathes, moves with you and stays put for a week or so.
Looking forward to catching up with dunc for a beer at the Quilty.
Posted by: Jenny Moncur | August 04, 2009 at 04:58 PM
Congratulations! It was great seeing you come into Foresthill. Dude...wear breeches and half chaps in 2010! ~:p] Real men wear tights. Get healed!
Posted by: Raven | August 04, 2009 at 08:35 PM
You are one CRAZY man.............
Posted by: Chris Martin | August 05, 2009 at 11:37 AM
Yummy!!! Looks like a disease! And I told someone you wore pants.....it all makes sense to me now!
Posted by: Diana Hiiesalu Bain | August 09, 2009 at 10:17 PM