Monk owned by Chris Martin and ridden by Lindsay Graham win the AERC 100 mile National Championship in Easyboot Glue-Ons applied with Goober Glue. Chris and Monk have been using Easyboots and Goober Glue for many months with great success.
Chris is responsible for tinkering with different types of adhesives and now manufactures and sells Goober Glue.
Congrats to Monk, Chris, Lindsay and Goober Glue.
Monk and Lindsay finish first at the AERC National Championship in Easyboot Glue-Ons and Goober Glue!
Looking at the pictures looks like Monk lost the right hind boot,he has a glove on? Over all another good day for boots.
Posted by: diane | September 14, 2009 at 09:45 AM
Diane- Yes, Chris did say he was a bit concerned about one. He had just returned from Hawaii and was in a bit of a rush. The good thing is that Gloves work as good or better than glue-ons.
Yes first and BC in the 100 and BC in the 50 made it a great day in Easyboots. Looking through the photos it looks like there were many others in Easyboots.
It's tough to argue with success. Can't fake first and BC.
Can't wait to see your horse in Easyboots. Hope the boots that were sent to you are working well.
Posted by: Garrett Ford | September 14, 2009 at 09:16 PM