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November 13, 2009



hmmm..intriguing! Terri loses her boots uphill now and then, cause Oli really torques.. Only concern: that loop looks like it could rip out too...I'd rather see the strap go through the rubber of the gaiter attachment...maybe just under where the stitching is? Any idea if it helps with horses that rotate boots around?

Garrett Ford

Nat- I think it will help. I have several different versions but I'm trying to focus on a version where the gaiter can be used with or without it. In addition I want to make sure we don't add any width and bulk to the boot.

Ice Pony Girl

Cool. When will these be on the market? I agree with Natalie, the little loop looks very fragile.

Phyllis Allen

Will it help with horses that rotate boots? If you need someone to test rotattion I have a Candidate !!!


I am also curious to know if this could help with twisting/rotating. I know athletic tape can help, but I have not had a great deal of luck with it. Seems like once it gets wet that all bets are off; at least that has been my experience.

Garrett Ford

Renee and Phyllis, Yes it really snugs the heel in place. As soon as we have more test samples I'll get you out a pair.


I was wondering if it adds more support for the tendons and ligaments going uphill or on uneven terrain? Or would it put more stress on them?

Teresa Jessee

Will this support strap help with the front boots when stepped on? Can it be used for Epics and Edges? I have had 2 Edge boot gaitors ripped when stepped on at the gallop. Once was up hill the other on the flat.

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