It's hard to believe that "From The Horse's Mouth" blog as been up and running for over 3 years. The blog subscribers and readership has steadily increased over the years, giving us the ability to pass on more information about hoof boots and natural hoof care. "From The Horse's Mouth" will stay up but all future content will posted under a new blog platform. The new platform will have more contributors, more content and more interaction. If your enjoyed "From The Horse's Mouth" you are gonna love the new blog. Make sure you sign up for the new RSS Feed.
EasyCare is happy to announce a new EasyCare Blog platform that combines “The Horse’s Mouth” “Hoof Boot News” and “EasyCare Customer Help Desk” blogs. The current blogs will be phased out and the all new EasyCare blog content will be found at one convenient location. Bookmark the new web address and come back often.
The new platform also allows horse boot users to submit hoof boot success stories at These success stories will post directly to the new EasyCare Blog.
We are also looking for “Guest Blog Posters” to contribute stories and blurbs that are relevant and interesting to people in the natural hoof care and hoof. Guest authors will be compensated with schwag and eligible for EasyCare Ambassador pricing.
Check out the new EasyCare Blog and sign up for the new RRS Feed and get daily updates.
I have added the new links to our main and sub blogs below. All sub blogs feed to the main blog but if you want to concentrate on one reader you can just view the sub blog.
Main EasyCare Blog.
Garrett Ford's "Hoof Boot News".
Kevin Myers "Bootlegging".
Brian Mueller EasyCare Dealer News.
EasyCare Customer Service Team EasyCare Customer Service.
Debbie Schwiebert Barefoot Horse Professionals
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