Over the summer months my horses are in a wet environment where the feet are susceptible to thrush. I soak all my horses feet for 30 minutes every three weeks using EasySoakers and an anti thrush formula.
EasyCare did a bunch of testing on several anti thrush solutions over the summer months of 2008 and we were very close to releasing our own version called NoThrush. With three new hoof boot models, we just didn't have the time to release NoThrush in January of 2009 but will look at it again for 2010.
NoThrush is working great and eliminates signs of thrush immediately. I've been very pleased.
Soaking the horses after a ride with EasySoakers and NoThrush.
I will be trimming my horses feet for the summer months. I have a bunch to learn but believe the only way to get better at something is to do it. Spyder's front feet after soaking and before trimming. I like to trim after I do the soaking.
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