As of July 17th, there are 185 signups on the Tevis website.
Click here
to see the list. I'm going to be heading up to Robie Park early on
Friday with Sue. She and I are helping with the Tevis Webcast. We
also have Steve Hallmark and Tinker Hart helping again this year with
the photos, and Julienne helping with uploading and html (yay!).
I need to get the html pages written and set up for this. I'd planned
to do it over the weekend, but somehow managed to not get it (and a lot of other things) done.
Well, I've got four more days, right? <gulp>
My email box is pretty full and I realize that I haven't been able to
answer all of the emails I've gotten over the last few days. I'll get
through them as soon as I can. I think I'll start trying to post more
of the questions and answers that I get. I need more hours in a day,
and more days in a week. Don't we all? ;)
As soon as I have the page links set up for where the photo albums will
be doing during the event, I'll post them here and they will also be
available on the Tevis webcast
page in the photo webcast section. We will try our best to get some
albums up on Friday night so that those at home can view the photos
while they wait for the first information to come in on the riders.