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Easyboot Grips

  • Grips_07_031
    We rode today in the snow and mud using Easyboot Grips on both of the horses. They did so well in them, even going up and down steep hills they never slipped. It was such fun!

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December 26, 2007


Wow, these look great! Can't wait to put them to the test on our rough trails and hills. Wonder how they'll hold up going through briars and such...

Lynda Perry

Can't wait to try them! Looks like they should hold up much better and make the boots easier to put on.

Jennifer Martin

These sound like a great improvement! I just finished repairing the stitching on the inside of my own gaiters. My gaiters don't rub my horse at all, it's the other way around. LOL

Can't wait to see how the new ones are put together! A lot or gaiter wear will be saved just by making them easier to get on.


The new gaiters sound great! The current gaiters rub my horse's heel bulbs but there is absolutely no room for me to wrap. Does anyone know if these gaiters will be available for individual purchase in Feb. or will they just be available on the new boots?


My guess is YES

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