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Easyboot Grips

  • Grips_07_031
    We rode today in the snow and mud using Easyboot Grips on both of the horses. They did so well in them, even going up and down steep hills they never slipped. It was such fun!

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January 11, 2008



Can you try putting duct tape over yours, and also using protective boots on your horses fetlocks? Fortunately, most horses aren't having trouble with the screws.

If that doesn't work for your horse the new Edge boots should as they are going to be a bit more streamlined in that area.

Kylie & Go Get Em Jack

Hi guys - my boy also catches himself with epics or bares on the very edge of the boot - it is mainly if he has a spook or has a stumble and hsi legs come on close togetherbut I decided to put sports medicine boots on him now so I dont have to worry about it. I think it can also be alot to do with actual conformation and/or the way a horse moves as some horses never ever catch themselves and some do.

Good luck

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