Two years ago, a friend and I had submitted a resolution to change the penalty points assessed for use of a gaiter on Easyboots in the organisation we ride under (I live in Quebec, Canada, but ride in Ontario under the Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association which sanctions CTR and AERC endurance rides, since there is no Quebec organisation). Regular Easyboots without the gaiter were accepted in CTR and received no penalty points because they are entirely below the coronet band and of course, could be used at endurance rides, but the boots with gaiter were given an automatic 10 point penalty for going above the level of the coronet). After **much** discussion, explanation, showing people the boots at meetings, responding to people's concerns, having the CTR Committee consider all of our arguments and pros and cons, etc etc we convinced them to recommend changing the rule from a 10 point penalty (basically taking anyone using gaiters out of the running for any placing) to a 1 point per boot penalty. Yesterday, was the meeting and the vote on various resolutions. I made sure to wear my brand new Team Easyboot shirt and was asked about Team Easyboot and showed some people the boots I do have at the moment - like the Epics and the Bares. :)
We had a lot of support for our resolution and amendments to our resolution were proposed by other members during the meeting. In the end, the result was even better than expected. Now, all hoof boots can be used (so not just Easyboots, but Old Macs, Boas, etc) and the penalty assessed will now be 1/2 a point per boot. The vets reserve the right to ask that the boot be removed, but they generally do not unless there is a very specific issue (i.e. if a lameness problem developed they might ask to see the horse without the boots). We will have to open the gaiter (or in the case of the Old Macs or Boas, open up the boot a little) at each check so that the vets can see whether any tack lesions/rubs have developed because we could still be assessed a penalty point for this (like any other piece of equipment worn by the horse).
The distinction has also now been clearly made that hoof boots are hoof protection, not leg protection, and should not be considered in the same manner as splint boots, bell boots, bandages (all of which are penalized at a higher level if used in CTR).
I was so excited at this development (much time and energy over the past two years has been put into this to), my eyes watered up when the whole thing was finally passed. Such a relief. Yeehaw!! Bring on the boots! hahaha At least now we are not taken out of the running before even getting out on trail.
Just thought I would share - I know this issue has been discussed in other CTR organisations and some still do not even permit Easyboots (!!), so hopefully this might encourage others to continue pushing for rule changes in this regard.
I forgot to mention that the only issue remaining ( and why it is 1/2 a point and not 0 points) is that trail lesions of any sort are penalized, so people are afraid of the off chance that there horse might get a scratch and be penalized and a horse with hoof boots might be protected from that. In the future, if we try to go for 0 points for the hoof boots, I think the organisation will also to seriously look at how trail lesions are scored.
Posted by: Lysane | April 07, 2008 at 07:47 AM
Hi Lysane,
Great news! I'll pass this on to my CTR friends and customers. This is a giant step forward for barefoot horses.
Posted by: Bruce Goode | April 07, 2008 at 10:43 AM
Lysane -- Thanks for sharing the news and for your support of hoof boots in CTR. It's great to hear progress is being made in the right direction! Karen
Posted by: Karen | April 07, 2008 at 03:00 PM
You should be so proud of yourself. What seems like common sense to us isn't always to someone else. But you got them to listen and agree with you! That is awsome!
Posted by: Asa Nuttal | April 08, 2008 at 08:46 AM
Thanks so much!
There were also some other CTR rule changes that were passed so that penalty points will now be assessed with respect to gut sounds, jugular refill, hydration, mucous membranes, anal tone etc. - all these were part of the vet check previously but were not allotted penalty points. Now they will be, taking the emphasis away from heart rate (which was often the deciding factor in who placed). Now the overall horse will be assessed and penalties allocated. Very very positive stuff.
Posted by: Lysane | April 08, 2008 at 10:08 AM
Hi Lysane
Where could I get a copy of the new rules showing this great change?
Posted by: Martha | April 09, 2008 at 08:48 PM
Hi Martha,
The octra website is at, however, the rule book there is not up to date yet. There have been quite a few changes and members will be getting a new rule book (which will also be posted on the website, I believe). I don't have my papers at the moment, but I could at least paste the text of the resolution as adopted if that helps.
Posted by: Lysane | April 10, 2008 at 08:09 AM
I think that's wonderful. That is a big step forward for the CTR people.
Safe Riding,
Posted by: Todd | April 11, 2008 at 08:40 PM
I have problems with pastern straps on epics rubbing at distances over 20 miles - anyone have any solution to this?
Posted by: Nicky | April 13, 2008 at 05:43 AM
Great job! Thanks for hanging in there. I can understand your emotion in the moment, after working so long and hard.
Posted by: Carol | April 14, 2008 at 11:26 AM
Hi Martha,
Sorry for the delay...this is the text of the rule (as it is now amended):
"Any type of corrective shoeing, pads and hoofboots are permitted. Riders using hoofboots may be required to remove them for examination of the foot.
Hoofboots with accessories will be permitted, provided they only cover the leg above the coronet band, but below the fetlock. At every veterinary inspection the accessory component of a hoofboot must be undone for evaluation. (Please note: hoofboot accessories are considered tack.)
See section 2.11A.2b for points associated with hoofboot accessories.
Hoofboot and accessories that cover the leg above the coronet, but below the fetlock, are allowed subject to a one half (0.5) point penalty per boot. Competitors using these hoofboots and accessories at any time during competition must declare this to the judges when vetting and the score card must be marked."
Posted by: Lysane | April 15, 2008 at 05:51 AM
Good for YOU!!! Way to go! Does this apply across Canada now or just in QC? I am not sure where we stand on the CTR rules with boots here in MB since last year, as you have yet to have our first ride of season. Thanks for getting that done & hopefully it will snowball thru Canada & US!
Posted by: Barb Fenwick | April 16, 2008 at 12:33 PM
Hi Barb,
The rule change was made by the Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association and so it only applies to rides in Ontario or Quebec that are sanctioned by this Association. They also run AERC endurance rides, but of course, the boots with gaiters were always permitted.
But hopefully other organizations can look to this as something to consider for their own rule changes.
Posted by: Lysane | April 16, 2008 at 07:20 PM
This is great news! I'm so happy to see that someone is starting to listen to reason. Maybe I can begin to hope that NATRC will finally start to "see the light" but I'm not holding my breath! I think the Candians must be more enlightened.
Posted by: Alice | September 02, 2008 at 08:51 PM