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Easyboot Grips

  • Grips_07_031
    We rode today in the snow and mud using Easyboot Grips on both of the horses. They did so well in them, even going up and down steep hills they never slipped. It was such fun!

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June 19, 2008



Glad to see your back and recovered from your accident Dave, although I don't really think we ever "fully" recover from these tramatic events. My sincere condolenses to the loss of your horse. I was heart broken to hear about it, but I am glad your back and riding and covering the miles again!

Safe Riding,


Hi Dave
I have a Question for you. In your picture it lookes like your horse is wearing splint boots with the easy boots. Can you please tell me if you are using the gaiter with the splint boots and if so how it works for you and in what order you put them on.
[email protected]

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