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Easyboot Grips

  • Grips_07_031
    We rode today in the snow and mud using Easyboot Grips on both of the horses. They did so well in them, even going up and down steep hills they never slipped. It was such fun!

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August 21, 2008


Dawn M

I don't know of any instuctions off hand, but the Bungee system and the easy up buckle are the easiest of the 3 buckling systems to handle. The regular cable/buckle system is the hardest to change out. You don't need the Roller in the Easy Up buckle system, so that makes it easier. You might just look up the Easy Up buckle boot on a screen, sometimes looking at the photo helps you understand where cables go. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
Dawn M


Thanks Dawn. I finally gave it a try and it was quite easy to do. I rode in a 55 mile ride this weekend and it worked great - I had the bottom of the Bares with the Easyup buckles which does not leave a gap on the front of the boot the way the Bare attachment does on my horse. It was great, worked really well.


well if you go to youtube.com i think i remenber seeing a video there on how to change to the buckle. but good luck with that.


One thing you need to do is make sure you change the t-nuts that are under the bungee system out when you install the up buckle. The t-nuts are to long for the buckle and so it will not rest on the tongue of the boot like it is supposed too. This may cause breakage to the buckle and discomfort for the horse. If you want detailed instructions please call easycare and ask for the repair guys in the back, they are more than willing to help.

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