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Easyboot Grips

  • Grips_07_031
    We rode today in the snow and mud using Easyboot Grips on both of the horses. They did so well in them, even going up and down steep hills they never slipped. It was such fun!

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August 08, 2008


Jeannie Welch

Wow, this is sad news! I know I speak for many others when I say that I always looked forward to reading about Karen's fabulous adventures with Chief, I appreciated her creativity and knowledge when it came to custom-fitting Easyboots, and I valued her quick and accurate response to questions and comments. She was a huge, positive influence on me and so many others, and will be greatly missed.
Happy trails, Karen!


I am also sorry to hear this news. Karen's tips, insights and personal experience on adjusting Easyboots are what gave me the confidence to get started and keep going with Easyboots even when there are the little snags we all run into until we get it right for our particular horse.
Karen, you will be missed!

Karen B

WOW! It just won't be the same without her here. We'll miss you Karen! Karen B

Amy Bray

Oh Boy! This is really stressing news! I sure hope we'll see her on the trail soon. She has been the person to look up to for me as we did our first 50 miler together with no crew! We challanged ourself at the Bridgeport, CA ride and that ride is no little 50 miler! We both did great and finished like we had done this many times before. I will never forget that ride!
You will be VERY missed! It will be hard to fill your "boots" here.
Amy :(

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