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Easyboot Grips

  • Grips_07_031
    We rode today in the snow and mud using Easyboot Grips on both of the horses. They did so well in them, even going up and down steep hills they never slipped. It was such fun!

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September 14, 2008


Dawn Willoughby

Could you post a photo of the leg and where you are having problems? I am curious about this. Which boots? (If you already have I apologize...memory is the first thing to go!)

Todd Hezeau

Hi Dawn,

It's actually on all 4 legs that I get rubs. Fronts seem to be the worse though. I'll get some pictures to you. As far as the boots, I'm using Bares. I love them. I really hope my idea works. We are going to do a 100 miler in the boots at the end of Oct so if they work I'd like to use my "socks" at that ride. I stillhave to go a pick the new ones I have had made up to try them.

Safe Riding,

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