Hi all,
Well I know it's a bit late but better late than never. I just want to let everyone know that Fortune and I completed our first 100 mile ride on Oct 17th at the Armadillo Endurance ride in the East Texas piney woods in Kennard, TX. We started at 4:00am Saturday morning and crossed the finish line at 2:32am Sunday morning, 22 hours and 32 minutes. It was an awesome experience and I am throughly looking forward to our next one. We did the ride in Gloves on all four of Fortunes feet and had no problems with them, even going through some of the thick mud along the trails in the woods. Had no rubs thanks to my socks and Fortune looked fantastic afterward. My dad even flew down from Seattle to be with me during the ride and got the full on experience of what it's like to crew. He had some help from my good friend Ann Goolsby whom we probably wouldn't have completed without her! Our next ride will be at the Central Region Championships in February at the Freeze R Burn in the LBJ National Grasslands in Decatur, TX where we will be doing the 75 miler. She'll be sporting her Gloves again as we have already done this ride twice. Once in Bares and once in Gloves.
Safe Riding,